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51 entries.
Erwin Maas from Enxames Portugal wrote on 29 January 2025
Wat een geweldige website heb je gemaakt, práchtig! Ik ga meteen nu ook overstappen naar TNG (mijn huidige stamboom in humogen bevalt me niet)
Groeten Erwin Maas
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Yannick from Brussels wrote on 6 March 2024
Hey Cees!
Very interesting webpage you made for yourself here! I Will certainly check back for new content!
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Ruben Koman from Dordrecht wrote on 27 October 2023
Wat een geweldig mooie site heeft u gebouwd. Complimenten!
20 Jaren geleden kon ik een website bouwen met html, maar dit lukt mij niet helaas. Knap!
Enige tijd terug ben ik weer in de genealogie gedoken. Opvallend genoeg niet ver van uw voorouders: in Yerseke beland. Via de overlopers en belastingrekeningen kom ik tot ca. 1465. Coman/Come is vanaf ca. 1550 in gebruik. Biezelinge komt ook nog wel voor bij de rechtstreekse voorouder in de 18e eeuw. In Kapelle 1 familielid als schepen. Verder eeuwenlang darinkdelvers. Nog een link: ik ben Dordtenaar, met meerdere boeken over de stad op mijn naam.
Vriendelijke groet,
Ruben Koman
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John Paul Jones from Goose Creek wrote on 27 July 2023
Hi Cees, this John Paul from the TNG Forum. I must say you have a VERY cool website and very interesting too. I'm slowly creating a WordPress/TNG website (offline/wamp64 right now) using your method and was checking your site out to get a few ideas. Hope you don't mind.
John Paul
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Ab Brouwer from Biezelinge wrote on 4 July 2023
Hallo, ik was op zoek naar info over de ambachtsheerlijkheden.
Want ik heb het Ambachtsheerlijk Visrecht Schore-Vlake van mijn opa Ko Cabboort, via mijn vader Jo Brouwer en oom Gerard Cabboort, geërfd. Zij zijn allen al overleden.
En toen las ik: en dacht: dat is toch Belgisch? Tot ik over het Klooster Jeruzalem las.
Lange tijd heeft ons gezin in de van der Biltlaan gewoond. Nu woon ik al 30 jaar in de Waardekensstraat. De geschiedenis van Kapelle door (destijds mijn overbuurman) van IJsseldijk heb ik van mijn opa gehad. Dus weet ik alles redelijk te plaatsen. Bravo voor dit stuk over de fam. Kloosterman uit "Eversdiek".
Het is niet alleen mooi gedaan, maar geeft ook weer nieuwe info aan mij.
Bedankt daarvoor!
Ab Brouwer.
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Mike Heseltine from Richmond, North Yorkshire, UK wrote on 2 November 2022
Very impressed by your website and interested in using your method for my Heseltine One Name Study site.
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Jan C. Lagendijk from VLISSINGEN wrote on 30 October 2021
Prachtige website met veel gedocumenteerde gegevens. Ook m.b.t. DNA waarnaar ik op zoek was. Ik heb Haplogroep I1 en we zijn dus verwant, maar bovendien was ik verrast door de Viking hand. Ik had er nooit van gehoord en vergeleek mijn handen met de foto die exact dezelfde afwijkingen hebben. Heb je ook familie gehad bij het LOODSWEZEN op de betonningsvaartuigen o.a. Frans Naerebout waar mijn vader kapitein op was ?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jan C. Lagendijk, Vlissingen
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Johnny Couck from Denderleeuw wrote on 10 October 2021
Gefeliciteerd met deze website, het zit mooi en gedetailleerd in elkaar.
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Suus Hofman - Bos from goes wrote on 4 October 2021
Hallo Cees
Je vroeg naar gegevens van Jan Kloosterman, die naar Amerika gegaan is. Die heb ik wel voor je. Te veel om hier te vermelden, maar mail me maar.
Groetjes, Suus
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Lee Bruegger from Fayetteville, AR USA wrote on 8 September 2021
I am starting out using TNG to develop my genealogy. In trying to set it up I found I wanted more cosmetic changes. I looked into Wordpress and ran across your site. I found it "prachtig" and want to use yours as a guide. I am having difficulties in configuring everything but the internet has a wealth of knowledge. I have a site that is brand new and definitely a work in progress.
I too have tried to figured out who I am. But I am trying to find out how I came to be. In 30 generations 100 million people had to make decisions that affected me. I have trouble grasping that.
I was born in 1948. I spent most of my career in computer technology but the death of my wife in 1999 I gave it up. Then health issues came along and did not do much of anything.. However I am doing more and have a wonderful wife who is very supportive.
Be safe traveling. If you ever get to America, look me up.
"Beste wensen", Lee
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Bill Clare from Subiaco, Western Australia wrote on 20 June 2021
Hi Cees
I've just started trying to build my own family website and came across your site while searching for 'good' examples. I love your site and hope that I can eventually produce something half as good.
Kind regards to you and your family.
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Nik from Hampshire, UK wrote on 3 February 2021
Wow Cees, what an inspiring site. I've been researching my family lines for a few years and have made tentative steps into publishing online. Therefore, I've been researching examples and found your site from TNG. I doubt that I can manage to build such a good looking and widely researched site as yourself but it is an example to try and emulate.
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Katie O from Dallas, Texas, USA wrote on 8 December 2020
Wow Cees that an incredible site you have built!! Thanks for the inspiration! This is just great.
Katie 😄
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Mike Brogan from BOLTON wrote on 16 November 2020
you have a great website, I found it through my fascination with the Zeeland National Dress.
Nice work, Mike
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Gerryt Bouma from Minnertsga wrote on 3 July 2020
Regelmatig heb ik deze website bezocht om te kijken hoe mooi TNG is ingebouwd in Wordpress. Dat wilde ik zelf ook met de site Uiteindelijk is het mij gelukt met de aanwijzingen op deze website. Dank daarvoor! Ik ben ontzettend blij met het resultaat. Ik gebruik als thema Highend (pro) maar denk er nu sterk over na om Avada aan te schaffen. Als ik dat thema aanschaf kan ik ook enkele plugins laten vervallen omdat die in Avada zijn ingebouwd.
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Charles German from Holland wrote on 7 April 2020
Thank you for sharing this website. Please keep me updated to new events and postings.
Chuck German owner of the Holland Cutting Board Company in Holland Michigan USA ?
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Robert Faulkner from Manhattan Beach wrote on 17 January 2020
For someone without much technical knowledge, it has been a process to explore the various options available to create a family website. I have set up a website using TNG (which took a while to identify and understand,) In conjunction with this journey, I also accessed all of their exemplar websites and came across yours. Quite impressive!
I will be contacting you in the near future to explore development options. I am looking to avoid cookie-cutter presentations.
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Josef Prause from Silherovice, Czech Republic wrote on 10 December 2019
Hi Cees,
I admire your website, simply said - I am enthused by it. I am also working quite a few years on my genealogy though not with TNG but webtrees. Golf is my favourite sport, too, regardless of my age (8 years older than you).
I wish the best to you and your family.
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Steven G Perkins from Springfield wrote on 5 October 2019
Beautifully constructed family genealogy website. A person could spend hours examining your information.
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Jesse Julian Winkles from Jackson, Georgia,30233, USA wrote on 18 June 2019
Hi Cees,
After looking at your site I am just blown away. Best site that I have ever came across.
I am very encouraged about what my family site can be with a lot of work.
Best to you and your wife!
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